WAHA's 2010 Ice Cream Social on Facebook

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On Saturday, August 14, more than a hundred members and friends of WAHA came together to bring back the Ice Cream Social. It was such a success, that I thought we should share the event with all of you. You may not even realize that WAHA has it's own facebook page, which provides all of us another way to share and stay in contact. If you are on facebook, be sure to add West Adams Heritage to your favorites list.

Just click on the link below to view the fun on facebook!!!

Report on our Facebook page on the August 14 Ice Cream social

And if you're interested in lending a hand to help organize some of our upcoming WAHA Events, please drop us a line to president@westadamsheritage.org. We would love to bring in some more folks to join our Events Committee. Whether for a single project, or to help with several, we'd really like to hear from you!!!

The Living History Tour is Saturday, September 25th. At the moment, we're looking for professionals willing to coach our volunteer actors in advance of the tour itself.

Then on Friday, October 15th, Pasadena Heritage Craftsman Weekend will be touring five wonderful West Adams homes as a special excursion to their weekend's activities. We need lots of people to volunteer as docents to help guide our guests, and to fulfill the role of WAHA ambassadors to folks coming into Southern California from all over the country. This will be a great opportunity for us to let a lot of new people know why we consider West Adams such a wonderful place to call home!!!

So it you're available on Friday, October 15th, or any of the other dates coming up on WAHA's calendar we'd be very pleased to have you join in.


John Patterson