UPDATE in 2023 --
THANK YOU! Your efforts saved this house!
Original story:
West Adams is on the verge of losing another historic house and a bungalow at 1828 South Gramercy Place in the Angelus Vista National Register eligible district. If we don’t act quickly, we will lose them, because a brand new owner has already applied for a demolition permit.
WAHA is working hard behind the scenes with City staff, but it has become clear that we need letters sent to Council President Herb Wesson, and his staff, asking the CD10 Council Office to step in.
Contact info is below, but first, more background:
The original 1905 Transitional Victorian residence and rear 1923 Colonial Revival bungalow sit in the middle of an intact block, and are contributing structures to the SurveyLA (identified) Angelus Vista National Register Historic District. The property was also listed as a Contributor in a 1996 City-sponsored Historic Resources Survey. The entire east side of the 1800 block of Gramercy is original and a demolition and new construction/ infill would have a devastating negative impact on the block, which retains its century-plus of integrity at this moment in time.
The new owner has applied for a permit for demolition and claimed erroneously that this is a single family home, rather than rent stabilized rental units. The record shows otherwise. The house is currently divided into three rent stabilized multiple units under the authority of the housing department (plus the cottage is one more unit) and demolition will result in the loss of affordable housing -- as well as displacement of a long-term senior tenant, who is already facing eviction. The owner has also claimed that he has no development plans. (Right. He would love to own a vacant lot. Makes economic sense.)
The facts do not add up here but demolition is forever and may happen before the true facts are known. The permitted development level is “RD2” – a restricted density multi-family zone which may allow 4 units, and that’s what already exists on the site.
We have less than a month to save the property. After WAHA’s decades of effort recognizing historic properties, this demolition would be a devastating loss, just months away from the protections of the approved CPIO. The Angelus Vista District does not have the automatic protections of an HPOZ, and the pending Character Residential Overlay Zone/CPIO, while approved by City Council, awaits the City Attorney’s drafting the Ordinance, so it has yet gone into effect. We need everyone to write comments to decision makers (See contact e-mails below.)
It is extremely important that the Council Office hear from concerned members of the community. WAHA objects to this demolition and ensuing loss of housing, as CD10 is aware, but more voices are needed.
Please lend your voice in alerting the council office of the significance the demolition of this property would have to the community. Please take a moment to e-mail CD10 and ask them to save 1828 South Gramercy Place.
SUBJECT: Please Save 1828 S Gramercy Place
Personalize your appeal (examples, please individualize and speak your heart):
- “I have admired the house for years...”
- “I care about preserving the historic integrity of the neighborhood...”
- “I moved to CD10 (or West Adams) because of the historic neighborhoods and homes..."
- “It is one of the few remaining Transitional Victorian houses in the neighborhood " ..etc.
And finish your e-mail with a direct ask:
“Please help save 1828 South Gramercy Place by any means possible, including if necessary, Council President Wesson nominating 1828 South Gramercy Place as a Historic Cultural Monument."
Send to:
WAHA would appreciate if you would copy us as well, at preservation@westadamsheritage.org
Thank you!